The Crossroads

Taipei Fine Arts Museum · Collection
Wu-Yung Hsu · at age 
Oil on canvas
72.5 x 91 cm
During the Second World War,I was studying medicine at the Tokyo University. I was reminiscing of home,Taiwan, and its plentiful bounty of food, as Tokyo was experiencing a shortage in rations. This painting may have reflected the views around Taipei Bridge in Taipei, inspired from my dreams. 50 years ago, residents of the area still kept livestock at home, and it wasn’t uncommon to see mother pigs taking leisurely strolls with their piglets, nor the passing of oxen carts. The girl in the painting reflected my situation, standing uncertainly on the crossroads of life, not knowing the path I should take, nor the fate of my actions.

Famous art critic Araki Sueo (荒城季雄) evaluated the painting to have idealization of nature,an element in Romanticism. Cubism was also incorporated to expertly transport the viewer into the point of view of the artist in his dream.


72.5 x 91 cm
第二次世界大戰時我在東京帝大醫學科讀書,那時東京之食糧太缺乏,想起故鄉台灣之豐富的食糧事情,畫中之街面可能是夢中之台北市台北橋附近之風景,50 年前之那個地方還有養豬之人家,時常可看見母豬帶小豬悠悠闊步街路上,牛車往來之鄉下情景。十字路中央之少女也像是我,站在十字路中央彷徨不知將來人生之去向,命運如何。有名的美術評論家荒城季雄在報紙上批評此畫帶著鄉愁的羅曼蒂克作品。部分用立體派技巧畫夢裡詩情的作品。